2022 Annual Meeting

Date: October 13-15
Location: Delta Bessborough, Saskatoon SK
October 13 & 14 – Scientific & Clinical Abstract Presentations (0900-1500 CDT)
October 15 – Symposium on Multiple Sclerosis and immune-mediated demyelinating disease of the CNS (0900-1400 CDT)

Purchase Tickets

Earlybird Pricing Ends Sept 1.

Call for Abstracts

Thank to everyone who submitted, the deadline to submit was extended to August 8th. Submissions are now closed.

The Abstract Review committee will be reviewing all submissions and we will be in touch.

Preliminary Goals & Objectives
Scientific Abstract Presentations

Review of current clinical and basic science research pertaining to neuropathology with a focus on Canadian centres, but overall international participation. Also a platform for Canadian residents and trainees to present their recent work.

Diagnostic Case Presentations

Interactive discussion of rare and challenging neuropathological cases encountered by participants in their recent practice. Electronic slides and imaging results are distributed prior to meeting. Often includes case presentation by residents and illustrates advances in disease classification and diagnostic technique.

Overall learning objectives for the meeting

At the end of the meeting participants will:

  1. Describe recent developments in several areas of neuropathology with particular emphasis on the neuropathology of immune-mediated demyelinating disease of the CNS and multiple sclerosis. 
  2. Discuss original research and challenging diagnostic cases with colleagues.
  3. Compare the practice of neuropathology on an individual and departmental level across Canadian centres.


Please note, all times are in CDT.

President’s Welcome Reception will be Wednesday, October 12th from 1900-2100 at the hotel.

0700-0745 Registration & Breakfast
0745-0800 Opening Remarks

Robert Hammond, CANP President

Peter Schutz, CANP Secretary-Treasurer

0800-0900 Jerzy Olszewsky Invited Lecture:
Unexpected death in infants and toddlers
Roland Auer, MD PhD
0900-1000 Session 1: Scientific Abstract Presentations – Pediatric and Infectious
Moderator: Dr. Chris Dunham
0900-0915 Abstract 1: Effects of prenatal cocaine on the human developing brain C. Fallet-Bianco
0915-0930 Abstract 2: Utilizing neurodevelopmental time windows of hypoxic-ischemic pathology to infer brain maturity in patients with congenital cardiothoracic defects K. Chornenka
0930-0945 Abstract 3: Spinal nerve root blood in pediatric autopsy cases is not necessarily a marker of trauma at that site  M. Del Bigio
0945-1000 Abstract 4: Multifocal necrotizing leukoencephalopathy post-CoVID-19 infection: expanding the “neuro-CoVID” spectrum  J.A. Houpt
1000-1030 Break
1030-1130 Session 2: Diagnostic Case Presentations
Moderator: Dr. Andrew Gao
1030-1045 Diagnostic Case 1 A. Easton
1045-1100 Diagnostic Case 2 C. Newell
1100-1115 Diagnostic Case 3 D. Munoz
1115-1130 Diagnostic Case 4 S. Eaton
1130-1300 Lunch
(Please make own arrangements, lunch not served)
1300-1415 Session 3: Diagnostic Case Presentations
Moderator: Dr. Andrew Gao
1300-1315 Diagnostic Case 5  C. Coire
1315-1330 Diagnostic Case 6  C. Fallet-Bianco
1330-1345 Diagnostic Case 7  K. Han
1345-1400 Diagnostic Case 8  S. Kosteniuk
1400-1415 Diagnostic Case 9 K. Han
1515-1915 RCPSC NP Specialty Training Committee Meeting
0700-0800 Breakfast and Registration
0800-0930 Session 4: Scientific Abstracts – Tumour
Moderator: Dr. Viktor Zherebitskiy
0800-0815 Abstract 5: The international disseminated pediatric low grade glioma consortium: project goals and preliminary results  A. Levine
0815-0830 Abstract 6: Glioblastoma, IDH-wildtype with FGFR3-TACC3 fusion has unusual histologic, molecular and clinicoradiologic characteristics  N. Sinha
0830-0845 Abstract 7: Infiltrative pattern in pediatric ganglioglioma  M. Alturkustani
0845-0900 Abstract 8: Clinical implementation of methylation profiling: the SickKids experience  A. Levine
0900-0915 Abstract 9: Cerebral amyloidoma: pathological findings from diagnostic biopsy to autopsy  S. Pejhan
0915-0930 Abstract 15:Lymphoid and plasma-cell infiltrates with amorphous eosinophilic material deposition in the leptomeninges: a challenging case  G. Lopez
0930-1000 Break
1000-1115 Session 5: Scientific Abstracts – Basic Science and Neurodegenerative
Moderator: Dr. Harry Vinters
1000-1015 Abstract 10: Identification and validation of immunohistochemical antibodies against transcriptomically distinct human hippocampal astrocyte subtypes  B. Joseph
1015-1030 Abstract 11: Cadherin-23 is essential for the normal organisation of cerebellar mossy fibre synapses  M. Gray
1030-1045 Abstract 12: The extracellular matrix transcriptome following demyelination  E. Stephenson
1045-1100 Abstract 13: Nodding syndrome: characterizing the newest tau proteinopathy in Africa  K. Kodja
1100-1115 Abstract 14: MRI-Pathological correlations show differential patterns of ex vivo texture in ALS  A. Dey
1115-1300 Lunch (Please make own arrangements, lunch not served)
1300-1600 Neuropathology in Practice: Competency Based Medical Education in Neuropathology
1300-1345 Topic: The rationale and ramifications of CBD to medical training Brent Thoma
1345-1415 Topic: Experiences with the introduction of competency based medical training in Anatomic Pathology Marcio Gomes
1415-1430 Break
1430-1500 Topic: Plans for the implementation of competency based medical training in Neuropathology Patrick Shannon, MD
1500-1530 Discussion Forum
(Within walking distance)
Presidential Symposium: Multiple Sclerosis and Immune mediated Demyelinating Disease
0700-0800 Breakfast and Registration
0750-0800 Welcome and Pre-Test
0800-0850 Gordon Mathieson Lecture:
Demyelination, multiple sclerosis, and MRI
G. R. Wayne Moore, MD
0850-0940 David Robertson Lecture:
Multiple sclerosis and future therapies
Michael Levin, MD
0940-1000 Break
1000-1050 Invited Lecture
Topic: Pediatric multiple sclerosis and immune mediated  demyelination.
E. Ann Yeh, MD
1050-1140 Invited Lecture
Topic: Neuropathology of MS and stem cells
Tanja Kuhlmann, MD PhD
1140-1210 Invited Lecture
Topic: Outlook of patients and public on MS research and treatment in Canada
Pamela Kanellis
1210-1245 Post-Test; Resident prizes; Closing remarks, Adjournment
Moderator: Robert Hammond, Peter Schutz

Program PDF for Download

Delta Hotels Bessborough

601 Spadina Crescent E, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3G8

CANP 2022 Annual Meeting rate is 169 CAD per night

Click here to book your group rate for Canadian Association of Neuropathologists 2022 Annual Meeting

Canadian Association of Neuropathologists 2022 Annual Meeting
Room block start date: Monday, October 10, 2022
Room block end date: Monday, October 17, 2022
Last Day to Book: Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Mary Tom Award

Best Clinical Paper

Dr. Christopher Newell

Morrison H. Finlayson Award

Best Basic Science

Dr. Erin Stephenson

Invited Lecturers

Details on our invited lecturers and presentation materials can be viewed here.