Abstract 12- 1400-1415
Category: Clinical
At the end of the session, participants will be able to:
- Learn important quality parameters in brain bank tissue
- Understand that MAiD patients represent an important source of autopsy brain tissue
COI Disclosure:
None to disclose.
Dr. Joseph has been a neuropathologist in Calgary for 16 years and in Boston for 12 years.
Jeffrey T. Joseph1
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada
Target Audience:
Collaborator, Leader, Health Advocate, Scholar
Death and the MAiD at the Calgary Brain Bank
Objective: Determine tissue quality parameters in Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) brain donations
Background: In Canada, Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) was decriminalized in 2015 and was legalized in Canada and Alberta in June 2016.
Methodology: Review 18 brain donations from MAiD patients to the CBB and compare them to non-MAiD donations. Four quality parameters were compared to non-MAiD patients in the CBB: post-mortem interval (PMI), neuronal acidophilia (surrogate marker for hypoxia-ischemia), type 2 astrocytes in the globus pallidus externus (surrogate marker for systemic metabolic derangements), and cerebellar internal granular neuron autolysis (reflection of patient’s pre-mortem medical state, including systemic acidosis).
- Two procedural changes have brought the PMI from an average of 44 hours to 6 hours in MAiD patients. MAiD patients have a significantly shorter PMI than non-MAiD patients.
- Unlike many brain bank patients, who die from non-neurological terminal diseases, most MAiD patients die without significant systemic diseases; they die without undergoing prolonged dying.
- MAiD patient brains have no or only early acidophilia in sensitive sites.
- MAiD patient brains have no type 2 astrocytes.
- MAiD patient cerebellums lack internal granular neuron autolysis.
Conclusions: MAiD patients represent an important source of autopsy tissue, which circumvents degradation of brain tissue during the dying process that affects many brain banks